Saturday, May 5, 2012

Snowy Saturday Morning

Well, woke up this morning to snow!!  Icky!!  And to think hubster and I have next week off to go and enjoy some 'spring' camping!!  What was I thinking???  I should know better after living in this area more than 30 years....however the weather folks are projecting +20 Celcius by Tuesday....cross your fingers for us.

So, I finished the quilt top for the new bed quilt.  The backing fabric is currently in the washer, so hopefully I can piece that this afternoon and do my sandwiching this evening.  I have no doubt that I won't get it quilted prior to leaving on our camping trip Monday, but since we'll be back on Friday there's another weekend before having to go back to work....just maybe I can get it done.

The picture is not the best as I was trying to work around the fellas who are watching a hockey game.  They need to get their fill before they are cut off while we're off reconnecting with nature.

I also want to give a shout of thanks to all of the lovely people who are helping newbies with their charm collections for a postage stamp quilt.  I have received emails from 5 of these lovely people already ranging from Peoria, IL, to Sweden.  Also thank you to the Curious Quilter for putting all of this together.

Well, I'm off to try to begin getting grocery lists and laundry done in preparation for camping this coming week.  

Take care,

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