Monday, April 16, 2012

Terrible, Awful, Really Negletful Blogger

Well, look at me finally getting back to this and not even pictures to show.  They are on the camera, but lately it's been a bridge too far to actually get them from there to here.  Ugh.

I haven't been sewing much lately due to the fact that I've been battling the hip pain - and now it's in both sides so sleeping is atrocious!!  C'mon surgery date.....right now even a date would give me some relief so I would have something to mark off on the calendar.

In the meantime and inbetween time I have managed to do a little family history digging.  Although I'm still a little stuck on my maternal side....I found the ship my grandfather came to Canada on, but not much past there.  (If any of you are family history diggers and have some history on poles from Galicia please share.)  I also found my hubby's paternal line on a ship from the same corner of the world.  Spooky!  Even spookier when both of our maternal sides come from Ireland too!!

Back to sewing.  My daughter came by and picked up my old machine the other day, so she's hoping to get some sewing in on remaking some clothes.  FUN!!  Other than Christmas pj's I've been out of the clothing stuff for a long while, but I'm sure I'll be called upon for some advice.  :-)  I also got into the room and got the cutting done on a quilt for the bed that will replace the "camper" one that we'll move into the trailer for the season. 

Woohoo!!  Have our first trip booked for the 7th of May.  I CAN'T wait!!  I just hope that the temps are in the double digits during the day time by then.  Unbelievably it snowed the majority of the last 5 days here.  It has pretty much disappeared already, but they are calling for light flurries again later this week.  Mother Nature can be fickle.

Well, back to work for me and here's hoping that this will kick me in the rear to load those photos tonight when I get home.

Ta ta all!!

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